High Alumina Cement is characterized by the highest strength and the rate of cement setting. Because it contains a large proportion of alumina, this cement is highly resistant to both high heat and corrosive conditions. It is perfect to be used in demanding industrial applications in order to guarantee reliability and longevity of use under unfavorable conditions. Because of this, it has the benefit of fast curing, which is important for projects that need to be constructed in a short span of time. High Alumina Cement is a special purpose cement, that offers reliability and performance when they are most needed.
Features :
High Alumina Cement Has LowpH
It has High Refractoriness
It has High Durability inSulfuric Acid
It Hardens Rapidly
It is less Reactant ThanAlumina or Hydraulic Lime
It acts as a Bonding MaterialWhen Added in Refractory Castables Because it forms Ceramic Bond at HighTemperatures
It has High Resistance toChemical Corrosion.
It is widely used also inConstruction of Water pipes, sewage pipes, factory drains, coastalconstructions and in factory chimneys.
TypicalApplications Are:
Floor Hardener
Quick Waterproofing
Self Levelling Floor Compound
Water & Sewage Pipes
Factory Drains
Coastal Constructions
Factory Chimneys Etc.
50kg Bags.
Price: Â